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SOFIA Stargazing Education Outreach Event



SOFIA Stargazing Education Outreach Event
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015 8:00pm to 11:45pm
Co-sponsored by SHADES OF BLUE DC/MD/VA Chapter and
Science, Mathematics, Aerospace, Research, and Technology (S.M.A.R.T.)

A 747 Jumbo Jet has been reconfigured for the Stratospheric
Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) that
flies above the clouds (41,000 to 45,000 ft. altitudes) to
view selected targets in the universe. On September 15,
2015, Nichelle Nichols (Lt./Commander Uhura of the Starship
Enterprise on Star Trek) will be on the SOFIA Stargazing
flight that will be flying at 40,000 ft. altitude, pointing
the telescope to a star birthing area of the universe, and
answering questions from students. The flight will go from
California to the east coast (to Nova Scotia, Canada) and
back to California - an 11-hour flight with in air refueling.

The outreach event at the HBOSC Planetarium will be in two
parts: 1) Family Night with science, aviation, and Trekker
presentations to provide background information for the attendees
and 2) the SOFIA flight that leaves California at
7:30 pm west coast time and 10:30 pm east coast time.

Students are encouraged to send their questions, for Nichelle
Nichols, ASAP and include their name, age, and location (city
and state). There may also be an astronaut joining us at the
HBOSC, 9601 Greenbelt Rd., Lanham, MD, 20706.

For more information & to send student questions, contact:

Charles Acree, 301-273-5646
Event Location
HBOSC Planetarium
9601 Greenbelt Rd
Lanham, MS 20706
Charles Acree



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