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Student Class Survey


Course Evaluation Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy
May 2014

Course Name: Shades of Blue

Instructor: Captain Daniels

School Teacher: Mr. Schopf


Course Questions:

1. I understood what the course was going to teach me

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
28% 44% 18%  2%  8%



2. The course was logically organized

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
50% 32%  8% 5%  5%



3. My knowledge and/or skills about aviation and space has increased as a result of this course

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
23%  29%  34%  8% 6%



4. The course was logically organized

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
20% 31%  28% 12% 9% 



5. The knowledge and/or skills gained through this course has/will help me improve my grades in school

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
27% 20%  31% 14%  8% 



Instructor Evaluation:


6. Instructor was prepared and organized

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
54% 28% 11% 3% 4%



7. Instructor was knowledgeable about the subject

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
60% 25%  10%  3%  2% 



8. Instructor was knowledgeable about the subject

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
37% 31% 15%  8% 9% 



9. Instructor was enthusiastic about teaching the subject

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
42% 27% 20% 5%  6% 



10. Responded to my needs and questions

5 (Agree) 4 (Tend to Agree) 3 (Neither Agree or Disagree) 2 (Tend to Disagree) 1 (Disagree)
49%   25% 14% 8% 4%



11. How has this course helped you improve your overall grades at school, and if so how?

  • 61% of students responded that the course improved their academic performance.


12. What are your plans after this academic year and in the future after all your schooling? “What are your plans after you complete high school?”

  • 70% of students responded they plan to attend college*

*According to Colorado Department of Education data, 48% of all district 11 students attend college after graduation. Please note that in many districts, free reduced lunch students and students of color attend college at a rate significantly lower than the general population. The survey sampled addresses feedback from a pool of students who are almost exclusively, recipients of free and reduced lunch, students of color, and students who do not speak English at home. Therefore, the number of students who plan to attend college indicates that the program was effective.



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